Colorful Motivation Self Care Module 1

Go Forth and Be Fierce

Hi I’m Celeste Payne and I want to Thank you so much for joining me for this colorful motivation self-care Module. This series is designed to give you the relaxing qualities of creativity with a dose of empowerment.

This Module includes
  • Empowerment Video that sums up our theme for the module
  • A Self Reflection to help you evaluate where you are when it comes to this topic
  • Tips/Article to give you some tools to improve in this area
  • Affirmations Sheet to declare affirmations over your life in this area
  • Coloring Page to relax and color as you soak in the information presented from the coloring page, you can click a link to explore some new art supplies just in case you want to try something new.


Copyright Celeste Payne